A downloadable game for Windows

So basically, you fucking hate Conker Koola, right? And then, so, like, uhhh u borrow ur sister's soda making machine, and then, she's like "Ohhh u gotta pay me $1000 in a week for that" so ur like, ok, but then u realize the park you wanted to sell in has been taken over by nazis. Then you find this weird fuckin guy who gives u a cyanide recipe for kidnapping some kids, then you make cyanide with the soda machine, and use that to kill nazis, and then when a week passes, ur sister comes back, but then your fuckin uncle who you haven't seen in years says u have to go to fucking Iraq or some shit.

Credit to FoxTrot for making some of the art, and JOKERatlas for the music


WASD: move

Mouse: look around

Shift: slow down

space: use/stop

Esc: skip cutscene


Soda Mafia Demo.zip 23 MB

Install instructions

Download and unzip


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uncl tone

Deleted 3 years ago

thats my favourite Sun Tzu quote